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Cap 1215 - Ken's Retrospective Challenge

Published - 9 September 2024

Ken Macaulay is raising funds for 4 great causes and plans to do this by cycling to every rugby club he has played at in Scotland - just over 1000 miles!

Ken will be at Rubislaw Pavilion on THURSDAY 17TH OCTOBER at approx 5.30pm

If anyone is anyone interesting in joining him for a wee bit on his challenge please get in touch.

You can donate to Ken at: https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/.../kens-retrospective...

"I am going to try and visit every rugby club in Scotland where I played during a career that spanned 30 seasons of league rugby. Some of the grounds don't exist anymore and I believe that at least a couple of the clubs have disappeared, but by my reckoning there are still 76 places to visit, of which your club is one.
It is my intention to try and complete this challenge during this coming October, starting on Saturday 5th and finishing the journey on Saturday 26th. This will be a bike ride of just over 1000 miles – which will take me well out of my comfort zone!

I am going to try and raise money for 4 separate but important charities –

  • Murrayfield Injured Players Fund, in appreciation of how lucky I was to have such a long and
    injury-free career;
  • Prostate Scotland, which is doing vital work to try and prevent this cancer which, it is said will
    affect 1 in 8 men at some stage. So far, I am one of the 7;
  • Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland – a stroke killed my father who himself was a proud rugby man –
    he played for Old Grammarians (now Paisley RFC), Gala, London Scottish and West of Scotland –
    and apparently that makes me more likely to need the services of this important charity at some
    stage in the future;
  • My Name’5 Doddie Foundation – who hasn’t been inspired by Doddie and the numerous people
    who have raised funds in his name?"

Follow Ken on Instagram: @cap_1215_ken_macaulay
Donate at https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/kens-retrospective-challenge

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