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Hedkayse Protective Headgear

Published - 14 June 2024

Hedkayse protective headgear is available for all players from minis to seniors, both male and female.

Aberdeen Grammar Rugby has been instrumental in assisting in the headgear receiving World Rugby approval. Details of the R5 headgear are available below and also at www.headkayse.com

The presentation material is especially important for female players and those engaged with this cohort as the Scottish Government are to issue clear guidance on the enhanced risk of immediate and long term brain injury to female players from repeated head injuries or impacts causing the brain to be agitated. Sub concussive impacts over a period of time are also a concern and this product could allow players to continue in the sport for longer periods with less risk of long term brain injury.

We encourage all directors, committee members, coaches, medical support staff, players and parents to improve their understanding of the issues and the reduction of risk by utilising this world leading technology. For those wishing further information, a comprehensive review of the issue of head injury in contact rugby by Dr. Garrett is available from Gordon Thomson at g.thomson.t21@btinternet.com 

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